That Odd Moment of Victorious Joy

At the Christian school we could get ourselves whacked three times with a paddle if we were caught with cassette tapes of secular music.  We could also get paddled if we said mean things about someone or if we sassed a teacher.  Heck, we could seemingly get paddled for just about anything.  Some kids, like […]

The Jesus Prayer II: Objects for Prayer

In my first post about the Jesus Prayer, I focused on the “bodily” dimensions of my practice of the Prayer.  This second post will touch on the choices I’ve made regarding the physical items I use.  The reason for this post is simple:  I had to reach my conclusions largely through trial and error and extensive research. […]

The Jesus Prayer I: Posture, Pace, and Breathing

These posts assume at least passing familiarity with the prayer practice known as The Jesus Prayer.  It is an ancient form of prayer which, while more popular in the Christian East, is also practiced somewhat widely in the West and is commended in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (paragraph 2668).  Those unfamiliar with the prayer […]

Snags, Logs, and Seeds

Peter said, “I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.”  — Acts 3:6 Even in college, there was gym class, a fact that disappointed and angered me to no end.  Since a Physical Education credit was necessary for graduation […]

Extremely Small Fidelities

You never know what God’s going to use. You can assume he’s going to use everything. A long while ago, I was out watching one of my son’s soccer games. I was standing next to a guy I’d known for a few years. I’ll call him Scott. We were talking about this or that the […]

If I Say I’ll Pray for You

One of the commitments I’ve made in the last year or so is that if someone asks for prayer, I write it down on a sheet of paper.  I pray through that list every night during  Evening Prayer. Most people, I’ll admit, don’t get a lot of individual attention unless I know that something in particular is […]